Computer Architecture - Team Bernd Becker
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Summer Term 2022

Test and Reliability Advanced Lecture for Bachelor and Master Computer Science and ESE

Winter 21/22

Escape Room Lab Lab Course for Masters at the Technical Faculty
Verifikation Digitaler Schaltungen / Verification of Digital Circuits Specialization for the BSC and MSc in Computer Science and ESE.
Embedded Systems Lecture for BSc and MSc students at the Technical Faculty

Summer Term 2021

Quantitative Verification

  Lecture for Bachelor and Master students in Computer Science and ESE.       

Winter semester 2020/21

Verifikation Digitaler Schaltungen / Verification of Digital Circuits Specialization for the BSC and MSc in Computer Science and ESE.
Introduction to Embedded Systems / Einführung in Embedded Systems
Vorlesung im Bachelor-Studiengang Embedded Systems Engineering sowie Spezialvorlesung im Bachelor-/Masterstudiengang Informatik (3+1 SWS, 6 ETCS-Punkte).

Hardware Security and Trust The convergence of IT systems, data networks (including but not limited to the Internet) and ubiquitous embedded devices within the cyber-physical system paradigm has led to the emergence of new security threats associated with the system hardware. Manipulating the hardware components that implement security functions can compromise system integrity, provide unauthorized access to protected data, and endanger intellectual property. Addressing these vulnerabilities is essential in order to prevent the hardware from becoming the weak spot of today’s systems. At least a basic knowledge of hardware security and trust issues is of importance to all system designers. 

Starting with (necessary) basics on cryptography, authentication, secret sharing, VLSI design, test and verification the course will provide an introduction to hardware security and trust covering the following topics: physical and invasive
attacks, side-channel attacks, physically unclonable functions, hardware-based true random number generators, watermarking of Intellectual Property (IP) blocks, FPGA security, passive and active metering for prevention of piracy, access control, hardware Trojan detection and isolation in IP cores and integrated circuits (ICs).
Rechnerachitekur / Computer Architecture Elective for Bachelor/Master-course computer science, and mandatory for Bachelor/Master-course ESE. This course is intended for M.Sc. and B.Sc. students with a background in digital circuits and programming in C/C++. Students will be introduced to methods of designing computers, which will cover the topics of testing and verification of digital circuits, processor data and control paths, pipelining and parallelism. We will look into the RISC-V instruction set and related CPUs. You will learn to maximize the performance of your computing machinery and how to guarantee the correctness of circuits.
(Pro-)Seminar: Methods for Analysis and Quality Assurance in Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)

Summer Term 2020

Technische Informatik Vorlesung/Pflichtmodul im Bachelor-Studiengang Informatik, ESE und Lehramt mit Hauptfach Informatik. 3+1 SWS (6 ECTS)

Vorlesung und Übungen in Technischer Informatik werden in diesem Semester folgendermaßen ablaufen:

  • Anstelle der Vorlesung montags von 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr werden Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese werden jeweils freitags um 17:00 Uhr für die kommende Vorlesungswoche online gestellt werden.

  • Mittwochs zur Vorlesungszeit, also 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr, bieten wir eine Online-Fragestunde an, in der wir aufgetretene Fragen live beantworten. Dafür verwenden wir das Webkonferenzsystem "BigBlueButton". Der Link zum Meetingraum finden Sie hier im Kurs. Fragen können zum Einen im Vorfeld über das Forum gestellt werden, es sind aber auch weitere Frage live während der Fragestunde möglich.

  • Ebenfalls freitags um 17:00 Uhr wird ein Übungsblatt ausgegeben. Die Abgabe kann bis zum darauffolgenden Freitag, 17:00 Uhr, über das Übungsportal erfolgen. Montags nach der Abgabe wird ein Lösungsvideo zur Verfügung gestellt. Dazu gibt es dann eine Online-Übungsgruppe (ebenfalls mit "BigBlueButton"; Links in den einzelnen Übungsgruppen hier in ILIAS) mit Fragerunde mit den jeweiligen Tutoren zum Termin der gewählten Übungsgruppe.

Kursablauf in der 1. Woche:

  • Die Veranstaltung beginnt am Montag, den 11.05.2020.

  • Die Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen für die erste Woche werden am 11.05.2020 ab 9:00 Uhr verfügbar sein. Dies beinhaltet auch eine Aufzeichnung mit Informationen zur Organisation des Kurses.

  • Übungsblatt 0 wird ebenfalls am 11.05.2020 ab 9:00 Uhr online sein. Dieses Blatt beinhaltet Informationen zum Übungsbetrieb (Anmeldung im Übungsportal; Erstellen von PDF-Dateien) und kann optional bis Freitag, den 15.05.2020, 17:00 Uhr im Übungsportal abgegeben werden. Zu diesem Termin wird dann auch das erste reguläre Übungsblatt verfügbar sein.

  • In der ersten Vorlesungswoche finden keine Tutorate statt.

Weitere und detailliertere Informationen finden Sie im ILIAS-Kurs. Das Passwort für den ILIAS-Kurs bekommen Sie voraussichtlich am Freitag, den 08.05.2020 per Mail. Falls Sie die Mail nicht bekommen haben sollten, kontaktieren Sie den Betreuer der Vorlesung.

Mobiles Hardwarepraktikum Mandatory practical course for the Bachelor in Computer Science,  elective for Bachelor in Embedded Systems Engineering, (4 SWS, 6 ETCS).
Rechnerarchitektur / Computer Architecture
Elective for Bachelor/Master-course computer science, and mandatory for Bachelor/Master-course ESE. This course is intended for M.Sc. and B.Sc. students with a background in digital circuits and programming in C/C++. Students will be introduced to methods of designing computers, which will cover the topics of testing and verification of digital circuits, processor data and control paths, pipelining and parallelism. We will look into the RISC-V instruction set and related CPUs. You will learn to maximize the performance of your computing machinery and how to guarantee the correctness of circuits.
Quantitative Verification Lecture for Bachelor and Master students in Computer Science and ESE.
Design, Test and Verification Seminar

In this seminar we review the current state-of-the-art in RISC-V research. A particular focus is on testing and verification approaches, but is not limited to that. The seminar is held online with short weekly update meetings. You are expected to work as a group towards the creation of a comprehensive review of RISC-V research.

Winter Term 2019/20

Embedded Systems Bachelor course Embedded Systems Engineering,
Special Course Bachelor / Master Computer Science (3 +1 SWS, 6 ECTS)

A forum and the course material is available via ILIAS:

The password was announced in the first lecture. If you missed it, ask your fellow students or contact the lecture assistant.
Seminar: Machine Learning in Computer Aided Engineering Dieses Seminar befasst sich mit der Anwendung von Machine Learning auf verschiedene aktuelle Themen im Bereich Rechnerarchitektur.

Die Vorbesprechung findet am Mittwoch, den 23. Oktober, von 13 Uhr c.t. bis 14 Uhr im Raum SR 00 026 (G.-Köhler-Allee 051) statt.
Hardware Security and Trust The convergence of IT systems, data networks (including but not limited to the Internet) and ubiquitous embedded devices within the cyber-physical system paradigm has led to the emergence of new security threats associated with the system hardware. Manipulating the hardware components that implement security functions can compromise system integrity, provide unauthorized access to protected data, and endanger intellectual property. Addressing these vulnerabilities is essential in order to prevent the hardware from becoming the weak spot of today’s systems. At least a basic knowledge of hardware security and trust issues is of importance to all system designers.

Starting with (necessary) basics on cryptography, authentication, secret sharing, VLSI design, test and verification the course will provide an introduction to hardware security and trust covering the following topics: physical and invasive
attacks, side-channel attacks, physically unclonable functions, hardware-based true random number generators, watermarking of Intellectual Property (IP) blocks, FPGA security, passive and active metering for prevention of piracy, access control, hardware Trojan detection and isolation in IP cores and integrated circuits (ICs).
Verifikation Digitaler Schaltungen / Verification of Digital Circuits Lecture for Bachelor`s and Master`s studies in Computer Science and ESE.
Ubiquitous Computing Lab Escape Room ‘Hack the Smartlab’

 You are a team of special agents. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to steal the latest research results of lab area 051. You find yourself in the lab, the artificial intelligence controlling the room has gone rogue, and locked you in. You have one hour to convince the AI to open the doors, let you escape with the research results, before you will be captured by special forces. 
 In this lab course, students will team up (2-4 people) and develop one/two scenes of the escape room’s story-points. The course will teach students to…
 … implement complex human-machine interactions with networked and embedded devices.
 … integrate sensor devices used in industrial applications.
 … conduct projects as a team.

Summer Term 2019

Technische Informatik In der Vorlesung wird der Aufbau und Entwurf von Rechnern von der Gatterebene bis zur Anwendungsebene behandelt.

Nach einem einführenden Überblick über die Arbeitsweise von Rechnern (Modellierung, CPU, Speicher, Zeichendarstellung und Zahldarstellung) liegt ein Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung auf der Vermittlung der notwendigen Grundlagen zum Schaltkreisentwurf. Dazu gehören Boolesche Funktionen und Methoden ihrer Beschreibung, wie Entscheidungsdiagramme, Boolesche Ausdrücke und Schaltkreise. Elementare Methoden der Logiksynthese (z.B. Verfahren von Quine-McCluskey) werden eingeführt und erprobt. In einem weiteren Teil des Moduls widmen sich die Studierenden der Rechnerarithmetik. Ausgehend von verschiedenen Zahlendarstellungen werden Addierer, Multiplizierer und eine ALU entworfen und deren Komplexität abgeschätzt. Darüber hinaus werden Tristate-Treiber, speichernde Elemente und Busse eingeführt. Die Studierenden nutzen die erworbenen Kenntnisse zu Entwurf und Analyse eines kleinen Rechners (ausgehend von einzelnen Komponenten).

Wichtig: Die Einteilung der Übungsgruppen erfolgt in der Woche der ersten Vorlesung (29.04. - 03.05.) im Rahmen der Veranstaltung (und nicht im HisInOne). In dieser Woche finden keine Übungen statt.
Quantitative Verification
Rechnerarchitektur / Computer Architecture Lecture 3+1 SWS, 6 ECTS

Elective for Bachelor/Master-course computer science
Mandatory for Bachelor/Master-course ESE

A forum and the course material is available via ILIAS:

The password was announced in the first lecture. If you missed it, ask your fellow students or contact the lecture assistant.
Wearable Computing Systems Lab The lab course "Wearable Computing Systems" offers a hands-on experience with a range of novel miniaturised computing platforms. Students will tackle the challenges of designing and constructing a wearable system in groups of 2-5 persons. Project ideas are given by us, but students are encouraged to develop their own project ideas as well.
Mobiles Hardwarepraktikum Mandatory practical course for the Bachelor in Computer Science,  elective for Bachelor in Embedded Systems Engineering, (4 SWS, 6 ETCS).
Computer Architecture Seminar Seminar at the Chair of Computer Architecture (2 SWS).

Winter Term 2018/19

Embedded Systems Bachelor course Embedded Systems Engineering,
Special Course Bachelor / Master Computer Science (3 +1 SWS, 6 ECTS)
Wearable Computing Systems Lab Lab Course for the design of wearable computers.

Summer Term 18

Mobiles Hardwarepraktikum Mandatory practical course for the Bachelor in Computer Science,  elective for Bachelor in Embedded Systems Engineering, (4 SWS, 6 ETCS).
Quantitative Verification Advanced lecture for BSc and Msc Computer Science and Embedded Systems Engineering (3 + 1 SWS, 6 ECTS)
Seminar Blockchains Within a decade blockchains and blockchain-based technologies have found widespread use, in particular in well-known cryptocurency applications. Besides covering the basics, the seminar will also be concerned with topics from current research in programming languages for smart contracts and approximate computing in mining hardware.

First Meeting. 18.04.2018, 15-16 Uhr, SR 00-006 (G.-Köhler-Allee 51)

Winter Term 2017/18

Technische Informatik
In der Vorlesung wird der Aufbau und Entwurf von Rechnern von der Gatterebene bis zur Anwendungsebene behandelt.

Nach einem einführenden Überblick über die Arbeitsweise von Rechnern (Modellierung, CPU, Speicher, Zeichendarstellung und Zahldarstellung) liegt ein Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung auf der Vermittlung der notwendigen Grundlagen zum Schaltkreisentwurf. Dazu gehören Boolesche Funktionen und Methoden ihrer Beschreibung, wie Entscheidungsdiagramme, Boolesche Ausdrücke und Schaltkreise. Elementare Methoden der Logiksynthese (z.B. Verfahren von Quine-McCluskey) werden eingeführt und erprobt. In einem weiteren Teil des Moduls widmen sich die Studierenden der Rechnerarithmetik. Ausgehend von verschiedenen Zahlendarstellungen werden Addierer, Multiplizierer und eine ALU entworfen und deren Komplexität abgeschätzt. Darüber hinaus werden Tristate-Treiber, speichernde Elemente und Busse eingeführt. Die Studierenden nutzen die erworbenen Kenntnisse zu Entwurf und Analyse eines kleinen Rechners (ausgehend von einzelnen Komponenten).

Wichtig: Die Einteilung der Übungsgruppen erfolgt in der ersten Vorlesungswoche im Rahmen der Veranstaltung (und nicht im HisInOne). In der ersten Vorlesungswoche finden keine Übungen statt.
Test und Zuverlässigkeit Lehrinhalt: The manufacturing process of integrated circuits (ICs, chips) is a yield process, i.e. some of the ICs will be inherently prone to failures. Since shipping of defective chips implies high follow-up costs, a test phase is necessary to detect defective chips as early as possible. Today, the so-called structural test flow is widely accepted. Here, defects are abstracted with the help of fault models and test patterns are generated that guarantee a high fault coverage with respect to the fault model considered. Taken together, test costs are responsible for up to 40% of the IC’s production costs. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that already during the design phase testability has to be taken into account (design for testability, DFT). Because of this, at least a basic knowledge of IC test issues is of importance also for IC designers.
Consequently, the course starts with standard test topics like fault models, (stuck-at)-fault simulation and automatic test pattern generation (ATPG). We will also provide an introduction to DFT methods, in particular scan design and built-in self-test. Finally, current research topics such as defect based testing, non-standard fault models, test for systems-on-a-chip (SOCs), variation aware testing, robustness analysis are addressed.
Proseminar: SAT Solving and Beyond

Summer Term 2017

Mobiles Hardwarepraktikum
ESE-Praktikum SmartX - Intelligente Alltagshelfer
Seminar: Aktuelle Themen im Bereich Rechnerarchitektur
Rechnerarchitektur / Computer Architecture Lecture 3+1 SWS, 6 ECTS

Elective for Bachelor/Master-course computer science
Mandatory for Bachelor/Master-course ESE

Winter Term 2016/17

Technische Informatik
In der Vorlesung wird der Aufbau und Entwurf von Rechnern von der Gatterebene bis zur Anwendungsebene behandelt.

Nach einem einführenden Überblick über die Arbeitsweise von Rechnern (Modellierung, CPU, Speicher, Zeichendarstellung und Zahldarstellung) liegt ein Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung auf der Vermittlung der notwendigen Grundlagen zum Schaltkreisentwurf. Dazu gehören Boolesche Funktionen und Methoden ihrer Beschreibung, wie Entscheidungsdiagramme, Boolesche Ausdrücke und Schaltkreise. Elementare Methoden der Logiksynthese (z.B. Verfahren von Quine-McCluskey) werden eingeführt und erprobt. In einem weiteren Teil des Moduls widmen sich die Studierenden der Rechnerarithmetik. Ausgehend von verschiedenen Zahlendarstellungen werden Addierer, Multiplizierer und eine ALU entworfen und deren Komplexität abgeschätzt. Darüber hinaus werden Tristate-Treiber, speichernde Elemente und Busse eingeführt. Die Studierenden nutzen die erworbenen Kenntnisse zu Entwurf und Analyse eines kleinen Rechners (ausgehend von einzelnen Komponenten).

Wichtig: Die Einteilung der Übungsgruppen erfolgt in der ersten Vorlesungswoche im Rahmen der Veranstaltung (und nicht im HisInOne). In der ersten Vorlesungswoche finden keine Übungen statt.


Wiederholungsklausur Einsicht: Die Klausureinsicht findet am Dienstag, 12. September in Gebäude 051 im Raum 00-026 von 11:00 Uhr bis 11:45 Uhr (beides s.t.) statt.

Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Studierendenausweis mit.
Hardware Security and Trust The convergence of IT systems, data networks (including but not limited to the Internet) and ubiquitous embedded devices within the cyber-physical system paradigm has led to the emergence of new security threats associated with the system hardware. Manipulating the hardware components that implement security functions can compromise system integrity, provide unauthorized access to protected data, and endanger intellectual property. Addressing these vulnerabilities is essential in order to prevent the hardware from becoming the weak spot of today’s systems. At least a basic knowledge of hardware security and trust issues is of importance to all system designers.

Starting with (necessary) basics on cryptography, authentication, secret sharing, VLSI design, test and verification the course will provide an introduction to hardware security and trust covering the following topics: physical and invasive
attacks, side-channel attacks, physically unclonable functions, hardware-based true random number generators, watermarking of Intellectual Property (IP) blocks, FPGA security, passive and active metering for prevention of piracy, access control, hardware Trojan detection and isolation in IP cores and integrated circuits (ICs).
Proseminar: Computer Aided Engineering The Proseminar is in German. Please see the German version of this page for further details.

Summer Term 2016

Seminar: Neue Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Hardwaretest & Security
Verifikation Digitaler Schaltungen / Verification of Digital Circuits Lecture for Bachelor's and Master's studies in Computer Science and ESE.
Rechnerarchitektur / Computer Architecture Lecture

Learning target: The course is intended as an introduction into basic methods, techniques and questions related to computer architecture and design. The following aspects are of particular concern: integrated circuits, design, testability, assembly languages, arithmetics, data path and control, pipelining, memory hierarchy, interfacing, parallel computing.

Exam 21.09.2016, 14-16 

Winter Term 2015/16

Cyber-Physical Systems - Discrete Models Lecture for students in computer science and ESE

Language: English

Learning Target: The course is intended as an introduction into basic methods to model, analyse and verify "cyber-physical systems".
Test und Zuverlässigkeit
Proseminar: Computer Aided Engineering The Proseminar is in German. Please see the German version of this page for further details.

Summer Term 2015

Seminar: Dependency Quantified Boolean Formulas
Cyber Physical Systems - Hybrid Models

Lecture for Master- Students in Informatics & ESE

Language: German or English

Learning target: The course is intended as an introduction into basic methods and algorithm to model cyber-physical systems with the help of hybrid automata.

In extension a formalism of hybrid automata is introduced to account for the discrete and the continuous aspects of cyber-physical systems.

Praktikum Embedded Systems Engineering - SmartX

Winter Term 2014/15

Proseminar: Computer Aided Engineering
Embedded Systems Bachelor course Embedded Systems Engineering, Special Course Bachelor and Master Computer Science (3 +1 SWS, 6 ECTS).
Technische Informatik
Verifikation Eingebetteter Systeme Lecture for Master- Students in Informatics & ESE
Test und Zuverlässigkeit von digitalen ICs

Summer term 2014

Praktikum Embedded Systems Engineering
Rechnerarchitektur Lecture

Language: english

Learning target: The course is intended as an introduction into basic methods, techniques and questions related to computer architecture and design. The following aspects are of particular concern: integrated circuits, design, testability, assembly languages, arithmetics, data path and control, pipelining, memory hierarchy, interfacing, parallel computing.
Seminar: Low Power Design & Test
Cyber Physical Systems - Hybrid Models

Lecture for Master- Students in Informatics & ESE

Language: German or English

Learning target: The course is intended as an introduction into basic methods and algorithm to model cyber-physical systems with the help of hybrid automata.

In extension a formalism of hybrid automata is introduced to account for the discrete and the continuous aspects of cyber-physical systems.

Winter Term 2013/14

Embedded Systems Bachelor course Embedded Systems Engineering,
Special Course Bachelor / Master Computer Science (3 +1 SWS, 6 ECTS)
Verifikation eingebetteter Systeme

Summer Term 2014

Verifikation probabilistischer Systeme
Test und Zuverlässigkeit von digitalen ICs
Seminar: Formale Methoden für Security und Verifikation Language: German

Winter term 2012/13

Verifikation eingebetteter Systeme
Technische Informatik
Proseminar: Computer Aided Engineering

Summer term 2012

Seminar: Hardware Security and Trust Seminar in the Bachelor- and Master-Course Informatik. (2 SWS, 4 ECTS)
Language: German
Rechnerarchitektur Lecture

Language: German

Learning target: The course is intended as an introduction into basic methods, techniques and questions related to computer architecture and design. The following aspects are of particular concern: integrated circuits, design, testability, assembly languages, arithmetics, data path and control, pipelining, memory hierarchy, interfacing, parallel computing.

Winter term 2011/12

Verifikation probabilistischer und hybrider Systeme
Technische Informatik Language: German

Course in the bachelor study course
ESE-Projekte im Bereich Computer Engineering
Proseminar: Computer Aided Engineering
Embedded Systems
Interdisziplinäres Seminar: Energiewende Seminar for Master-students (4 ECTS points)

Summer Term 2011

Test und Zuverlässigkeit von digitalen ICs
Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum
Seminar: Techniques for the Verification of Probabilistic or Timed Automata

Winter term 2010/11

Systeme I
Proseminar: Computer Aided Engineering
Verifikation Eingebetteter Systeme I

Summer Term 2010

Seminar: Model Checking - Probabilistische und Echtzeitaspekte
Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Practical course
Eingebettete Systeme II specialisation course for Bachelor, Master, Diplom, in computer architecture and operating systems

Winter Term 2009/10

Technische Informatik Course in the bachelor study course,
Magister minor subject, Master of Arts in Education main subject
Eingebettete Systeme I Special Course, Vertiefungsgebiet "computer architecture and operating systems"
Formale und praktische Aspekte der Policy-Sprachen

Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Practical course
Test und Zuverlässigkeit Special course
Security Aspects of Embedded Systems Seminar
First meeting: April 29, 051-00-026
Einführung in die effiziente Softwareentwicklung

winter term 08/09

Proseminar: Entwurfsmethoden
Technische Informatik Course in the bachelor study course,
Magister minor subject, Master of Arts in Education main subject
Seminar Satisfiability Modulo Theories This course will cover current SMT solver techniques and algorithms. A first meeting will take place on wednesday 10/22/2008 1pm in the hardware pool (building 051).
Simulation und Test Bachelor-Projekt
Zuverlässigkeit und Redundanz beim Entwurf von Eingebetteten Systemen

Summer term 08

Softwarebasierte Fehlertoleranz Seminar
First meeting: Mon Apr 21, 1:15pm, 051-00-026
Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum
Eingebettete Systeme II Course (Spezialvorlesung) Bachelor, Master, Diplom,
Vertiefungsgebiet Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
Oberseminar Rechnerarchitektur und Systementwurf Graduate seminar

Winter term 07/08

Seminar: SAT and beyond
Eingebettete Systeme I - Wintersemester 07/08 Special Course, Vertiefungsgebiet "computer architecture and operating systems"

Summer term 07

Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Practical course

Link to our Online Evaluation.

27.4.2007 and 30.4.2007
from 14.00 to 15.00
Geb. 51 01-031
Oberseminar Rechnerarchitektur und Systementwurf Graduate seminar
Test und Zuverlässigkeit Special course
Seminar: Methoden der Verifikation

winter term 06/07

Seminar: Theoretical Foundations of Model Checking In this course, we will focus on the theoretical foundations of model checking.

Topics include the characterization of bisimilarity, as well as hybrid automata.

Participiants should have some knowledge about mathematical logics and theoretical computer science.
Systeme I Part of the bachelor study course
Oberseminar Rechnerarchitektur und Systementwurf Graduate seminar
Proseminar: Entwurfsmethoden
Computer-Aided Engineering Technical Course in the main study period ("Hauptstudiengang" / "Master).
WINFOLine Technische Informatik

Summer term 06

Eingebettete Systeme II Course in the main study period, "Vertiefungsgebiet" Computer Architecture
Rechnerarchitektur This is a course in the main study period. It is obligatory for students in the "Diplomstudiengang Informatik".
Seminar: Sichere Funknetze (WLAN 802.11)
Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Practical course
Seminar: Zuverlässigkeit mikroelektronischer Systeme Seminar
Oberseminar Rechnerarchitektur und Systementwurf Graduate seminar

winter term 05/06

Proseminar: Entwurfsmethoden
Technische Informatik Course in the bachelor study course,
Magister minor subject, Master of Arts in Education main subject
Seminar: Advanced Model Checking
Oberseminar Rechnerarchitektur und Systementwurf graduate seminar
Eingebettete Systeme I Bachelor of Science (6.Semester)
Master of Science (2.Semester)

Summer term 05

Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Course in the basic study period

Note: Please return your hardware Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, 1-4:30pm.
Technische Informatik II
Computer-Aided Engineering Practical course for graduate students
Oberseminar Rechnerarchitektur und Systementwurf graduate seminar
Rechnerarchitektur This is a course in the main study period. It is obligatory for students in the "Diplomstudiengang Informatik".

winter term 04/05

Technische Informatik Course in the bachelor study course,
Magister minor subject, Master of Arts in Education main subject
Rechnerarchitektur und Rechnerentwurf Graduate Seminar
Embedded Systems II Course in the main study period, "Vertiefungsgebiet" Computer Architecture
Testen von digitalen ICs Special course
WINFOLine Technische Informatik
Design and verification of digital systems with VHDL Special course

summer term 04

Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Course in the basic study period
Rechnerarchitektur Course in the main study period
Rechnerarchitektur und Rechnerentwurf Graduate Seminar
Computer-Aided Engineering Practical course for graduate students
Eingebettete Systeme Course in the main study period
Test methods beyond random logic Seminar
Design, Test and Diagnosis in Deep Submicron Technology Special Course

winter term 03/04

Technische Informatik Course in the basic study period
Testen von digitalen ICs Special course
Design and Verification of Digital Systems with VHDL Special course
Rechnerarchitektur und Rechnerentwurf Graduate Seminar

summer term 03

Technische Informatik II Course in the basic study period
AVACS: Automatic Verification and Analysis of Complex Systems Seminar
Rechnerarchitektur Course in the main study period
Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Practical course in the basic study period

winter term 02/03

Formale Verifikation von Hardware Special course
Technische Informatik 1 Course in the basic study period
Vordiplom Oktober 2002 Results of the Vordiplomspruefung

summer term 02

Technische Informatik 2 Course in the basic study period
Rechnerarchitektur Course in the main study period
Entwurf und Verifikation digitaler Systeme mit VHDL Special course
Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum Practical course in the basic study period
Systembeschreibungssprachen Special course
Pleiten, Pech und Pannen der Informatik Seminar
Hardware/Software Co-Design und Rekonfigurierbare Architekturen Tele-Seminar
VLSI CAD und Rechnerarchitektur Graduate Seminar
Vordiplom April 2002 Results of the Vordiplompruefung

winter term 01/02

Technische Informatik 1 Course in the basic study period
VLSI-CAD Seminar
VLSI-Entwurf Special course
Rechnerarchitektur Graduate Seminar

summer term 01

Technische Informatik 2 Course in the basic study period
Rechnerarchitektur Course in the main study period
Mobile Kommunikation Tele-Seminar
Hardware-Praktikum Practical course in the basic study period

winter term 00/01

Technische Informatik 1 Course in the basic study period
Technische Informatik 2 Course in the basic study period
ASIC-Design 2 Practical course in the main study period
Graphenbasierte Funktionsdarstellung Special course
SAT Engines Seminar
Rechnerarchitektur Graduate Seminar

summer term 00

Vordiplom September 2000 Results of the Vordiplompruefung
Technische Informatik 1 Course in the basic study period
Rechnerarchitektur Course in the main study period
Architekturen fuer Smartcards VIROR-Tele-Seminar
Hardware-Praktikum Practical course in the basic study period
ASIC-Design 1 Practical course in the main study period
Rechnerarchitektur Graduate Seminar

winter term 99/00

Vordiplom 1999 Results of the Vordiplompruefung
Technische Informatik 2 Course in the basic study period
Routing Seminar
Testen und Verifizieren von Embedded Core basierten Schaltungen Seminar
Rechnerarchitektur Graduate Seminar
ASIC-Design 2 Practical course in the main study period
Hardware-Entwurf Spezialvorlesung

summer term 99

Technische Informatik 1 Course in the basic study period
Hardware-Praktikum Ptractical course in the basic study period
Rechnerarchitektur Course in the main study period
Hardware-Verifikation Special course
Testen von Schaltungen und Systemen Special course
Rechnerarchitektur Graduate Seminar

winter term 98/99

Technische Informatik 2 Course in the basic study period
Testen von Hard- und Software Seminar

summer term 98

Hardware-Praktikum Practical course in the basic study period
ASIC-Design 1 Practical course in the main study period
Technische Informatik 1 Course in the basic study period
Rechnerarchitektur Course in the main study period

winter term 97/98

Technische Informatik 1 Course in the basic study period
Synthese von Schaltkreisen Special course