basic data structures and core algorithms
MiraXT multi-threaded SAT solver |
Mira-Craig library for generation of Craig interpolants |
incQuBE incremental QBF solver |
QMiraXT multi-threaded QBF solver |
PaQuBE parallel QBF solver |
Quaig combined QBF solver (AIGsolve and QuBE) |
LIRA decision procedures for first-order logics with linear arithmetic over the integers and the reals |
CIP Bounded Model Checker for discrete systems |
mbmc Bounded Model Checker for discrete systems |
bounce Bounded Model Checker for incomplete discrete systems |
sigref symbolic minimization of finite labeled transition systems |
lter long-term expected rewards |
bb Model Checker for incomplete probabilistic systems |
(S)SBMC counterexample generation for probabilistic systems |
timemachine Bounded Model Checker for incomplete timed systems |
iSAT SMT solver for non-linear arithmetic |
iSAT-Craig Bounded Model Checker for hybrid systems |
TIGUAN TSI SAT-based test pattern generator |
PARSIM parallel fault simulation |
TAMSIN highly accurate delay-fault simulation |
PHAETON SAT-based tool for the enumeration of sensitisable paths |
SmartMeter a versatile electricity meter for the future connected home |
FIRED A Fully-labeled hIgh-fRequency Electricity Disaggregation Dataset |
Annoticity |
FLANdERS a Fully Labeled AppliaNce ElectRicity dataSet |