Computer Architecture - Team Bernd Becker
        Startseite         |         Institut für Informatik         |         Technische Fakultät

basic data structures and core algorithms

MiraXT multi-threaded SAT solver
Mira-Craig library for generation of Craig interpolants
incQuBE incremental QBF solver
QMiraXT multi-threaded QBF solver
PaQuBE parallel QBF solver
Quaig combined QBF solver (AIGsolve and QuBE)
LIRA decision procedures for first-order logics with linear arithmetic over the integers and the reals


CIP Bounded Model Checker for discrete systems
mbmc Bounded Model Checker for discrete systems
bounce Bounded Model Checker for incomplete discrete systems
sigref symbolic minimization of finite labeled transition systems
lter long-term expected rewards
bb Model Checker for incomplete probabilistic systems
(S)SBMC counterexample generation for probabilistic systems
timemachine Bounded Model Checker for incomplete timed systems
iSAT SMT solver for non-linear arithmetic
iSAT-Craig Bounded Model Checker for hybrid systems


TIGUAN TSI SAT-based test pattern generator
PARSIM parallel fault simulation
TAMSIN highly accurate delay-fault simulation
PHAETON SAT-based tool for the enumeration of sensitisable paths


SmartMeter a versatile electricity meter for the future connected home
FIRED A Fully-labeled hIgh-fRequency Electricity Disaggregation Dataset
FLANdERS a Fully Labeled AppliaNce ElectRicity dataSet