Computer Architecture - Team Bernd Becker
        Startseite         |         Institut für Informatik         |         Technische Fakultät


| project staff | description | publications |

project staff

former employee Chair of Computer Architecture
Piet Engelke, Dr. developer
Chair of Computer Architecture
Bernd Becker, Prof. Dr. Contact


PARSIM is a versatile fault simulator for stuck-at, conditional multiple stuck-at (CMS@) and bridging faults. Its features include:

  • arbitrary initialisation of flip-flop values

  • reverse-order and forward-looking reverse-order fault simulation

  • “parallel pattern, single fault” and “single pattern, parallel fault” simulation modes

  • n-detection

  • diagnostic simulation

PARSIM is not maintained anymore.

P. Engelke, I. Polian, M. Renovell, B. Becker
Simulating Resistive Bridging and Stuck-At Faults
IEEE Transactions on CAD, 2006
P. Engelke, B. Braitling, I. Polian, M. Renovell, B. Becker
SUPERB: Simulator Utilizing Parallel Evaluation of Resistive Bridges
Asian Test Symposium, 2007
P. Engelke, I. Polian, J. Schlöffel, B. Becker
Resistive Bridging Fault Simulation of Industrial Circuits
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2008
P. Engelke, I. Polian, M. Renovell, S. Kundu, B. Seshadri, B. Becker
On Detection of Resistive Bridging Defects by Low-Temperature and Low-Voltage Testing
IEEE Transactions on CAD, 2008
P. Engelke, B. Becker, M. Renovell, J. Schlöffel, B. Braitling, I. Polian
SUPERB: Simulator Utilizing Parallel Evaluation of Resistive Bridges
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 2009