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Eingebettete Systeme II - Summer Term 2010


description After a brief review of standard operating systems and of requirements imposed on the underlying hardware, the lecture covers operating systems for embedded systems.

The central topic is how real-time requirements can be satisfied. The lecture covers methods for WCET (worst case execution time) estimation and for real-time scheduling. Several scheduling methods are classified depending on their application domain, their quality and their costs. Moreover, basic concepts including synchronisation and communication among several tasks, shared resources and mutual exclusion are considered; their role in the design of real-time operating systems is analysed.

The course's second part covers reliability aspects of embedded systems. In particular, the course introduces methods meant to guarantee the availability of embedded systems beyond the failure of single system components. These concepts include hardware, information and time redundancy.

The course can be followed without difficulty even without having attended "Embedded Systems I".
comment specialisation course for Bachelor, Master, Diplom, in computer architecture and operating systems