Computer Architecture - Team Bernd Becker
        Startseite         |         Institut für Informatik         |         Technische Fakultät
name Linus Feiten, Dr. Linus Feiten, Dr.
adress Georges-Köhler-Allee 51
79110 Freiburg
office Building 51, Room 01-031
telefon +49 (0)761 203-8156
fax +49 (0)761 203-8142
eMail feiten@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
PGP-Key Public-Key
fingerprint = CF19BEB2B144896496D7E962E77513C8EC0D70D2

Linus Feiten

Years: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012


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    • Leonie Feldbusch, Felix Winterer, Johannes Gramsch, Linus Feiten, Bernd Becker
      Gamification in a Classroom Response System for Academic Teaching
      2019 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU)
    • Uwe Wagschal, Thomas Waldvogel, Thomas Metz, Samuel Weishaupt, Linus Feiten, Bernd Becker, Kamal Singh
      Alle gegen Alle? Die Mehrpersonendebatte der kleinen Parteien in der Analyse
      In: Die Bundestagswahl 2017: Analysen der Wahl-, Parteien-, Kommunikations- und Regierungsforschung
      2019, en Wiesbaden, pages: 461 - 482, ISBN: 978-3-658-25050-8
    • Benjamin Thiemann, Linus Feiten, Pascal Raiola, Bernd Becker, Matthias Sauer
      On Integrating Lightweight Encryption in Reconfigurable Scan Networks
      2019 IEEE European Test Symposium
    • Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann, Linus Feiten
      Vertrauensstiftende Videoüberwachung?
      2019 digma: Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit, volume: 19, issue: 4, pages: 218 - 221


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    • Linus Feiten, Karsten Scheibler, Bernd Becker, Matthias Sauer
      Using different LUT paths to increase area efficiency of RO-PUFs on Altera FPGAs
      2018 TRUDEVICE Workshop, Dresden
    • Uwe Wagschal, Thomas Metz, Thomas Waldvogel, Bernd Becker, Linus Feiten, Samuel Weishaupt
      Online real-time-response measurement in real life settings: the Debat-O-Meter
      2018 Cologne 20th General Online Research Conference (GOR)


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    • Uwe Wagschal, Bernd Becker, Thomas Metz, Thomas Waldvogel, Linus Feiten
      Real-time evaluation of political debates at home and abroad with the Debat-O-Meter
      2017 Berlin 19th General Online Research Conference (GOR)
    • Matthias Sauer, Pascal Raiola, Linus Feiten, Bernd Becker, Ulrich Rührmair, Ilia Polian
      Sensitized Path PUF: A Lightweight Embedded Physical Unclonable Function
      2017 Conf. on Design, Automation and Test in Europe
    • Uwe Wagschal, Thomas Waldvogel, Thomas Metz, Bernd Becker, Linus Feiten, Samuel Weishaupt, Kamaljeet Singh
      Das TV-Duell und die Landtagswahl in Schleswig-Holstein: Das Debat-O-Meter als neues Instrument der politischen Kommunikationsforschung
      2017 Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl), volume: 48. Jg., issue: 3, pages: 594 - 613
    • Linus Feiten, Matthias Sauer, Bernd Becker
      Implementation of Delay-Based PUFs on Altera FPGAs
      In: Hardware Security and Trust: Design and Deployment of Integrated Circuits in a Threatened Environment
      2017, Springer International Publishing, pages: 211 - 235, ISBN: 978-3-319-44318-8


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    • Sebastian Volkmann, Linus Feiten, Christian Zimmermann, Sebastian Sester, Laura Wehle, Bernd Becker
      Digitale Tarnkappe: Anonymisierung in Videoaufnahmen
      2016 INFORMATIK 2016 Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Heinrich C. Mayr, Martin Pinzger, volume: P-252, pages: 413 - 426
    • Linus Feiten, Matthias Sauer, Bernd Becker
      On Metrics to Quantify the Inter-Device Uniqueness of PUFs
      2016 TRUDEVICE Workshop, Dresden
    • Thomas Metz, Uwe Wagschal, Thomas Waldvogel, Marko Bachl, Linus Feiten, Bernd Becker
      Das Debat-O-Meter: ein neues Instrument zur Analyse von TV-Duellen
      2016 ZSE Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, volume: 14, issue: 1, pages: 124 - 149
    • Linus Feiten, Sebastian Sester, Christian Zimmermann, Sebastian Volkmann, Laura Wehle, Bernd Becker
      Revocable Anonymisation in Video Surveillance: A "Digital Cloak of Invisibility"
      In: Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion
      2016, Springer International Publishing, pages: 314 - 327, ISBN: 978-3-319-44804-6
    • Bernd Becker, Katrin Weber, Linus Feiten
      SMartphones In der LEhre (SMILE)
      In: Kreativ, Innovativ, Motivierend - Lehrkonzepte in der Praxis: Der Instructional Development Award (IDA) der Universität Freiburg
      2016, Universitäts Verlag Webler (UVW), pages: 117 - 133, ISBN: 3-946017-01-0
    • Linus Feiten, Jonathan Oesterle, Tobias Martin, Matthias Sauer, Bernd Becker
      Systematic Frequency Biases in Ring Oscillator PUFs on FPGAs
      2016 IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (TMSCS), volume: PP, issue: 99
    • Matthias Sauer, Linus Feiten, Bernd Becker, Ulrich Rührmair, Ilia Polian
      Utilizing Intrinsic Delay Variability in Complex Digital Circuits for Defining PUF Behavior
      2016 TRUDEVICE Workshop, Dresden


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    • Linus Feiten, Tobias Martin, Matthias Sauer, Bernd Becker
      Improving RO-PUF Quality on FPGAs by Incorporating Design-Dependent Frequency Biases
      2015 IEEE European Test Symposium
    • Linus Feiten, Tobias Martin, Matthias Sauer, Bernd Becker
      Analysis and utilisation of deviations in RO-PUFs under altered FPGA designs
      2015 TRUDEVICE Workshop, Grenoble
    • Linus Feiten, Matthias Sauer
      Extracting the RC4 secret key of the Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP)
      2015 Industrial Control System Security (ICSS) Workshop
    • Linus Feiten, Matthias Sauer, Tobias Schubert, Victor Tomashevich, Ilia Polian, Bernd Becker
      Formal Vulnerability Analysis of Security Components
      2015 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), volume: 34, issue: 8, pages: 1358 - 1369


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    • Linus Feiten, Andreas Spilla, Matthias Sauer, Tobias Schubert, Bernd Becker
      Implementation and Analysis of Ring Oscillator PUFs on 60 nm Altera Cyclone FPGAs
      2014 Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, volume: 22, issue: 5-6, pages: 265 - 273


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    • Linus Feiten, Katrin Weber, Bernd Becker
      SMILE: Smartphones in der Lehre – ein Rück- und Überblick
      2013 INFORMATIK 2013 Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Matthias Horbach, volume: P-220, pages: 255 - 269
    • Linus Feiten, Andreas Spilla, Matthias Sauer, Tobias Schubert, Bernd Becker
      Analysis of Ring Oscillator PUFs on 60nm FPGAs
      2013 TRUDEVICE Workshop, Avignon
    • Linus Feiten, Matthias Sauer, Tobias Schubert, Alexander Czutro, Victor Tomashevich, Eberhard Böhl, Ilia Polian, Bernd Becker
      #SAT for Vulnerability Analysis of Security Components
      2013 (Workshop-Paper, Informal Proceedings) IEEE European Test Symposium
    • Renatus Derbidge, Linus Feiten, Oliver Conradt, Peter Heusser, Stefan Baumgartner
      Assessment of Shape Changes of Mistletoe Berries: A New Software Approach to Automatize the Parameterization of Path Curve Shaped Contours
      2013 Plos One, volume: 8, issue: 4


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    • Linus Feiten, Matthias Sauer, Tobias Schubert, Alexander Czutro, Eberhard Böhl, Ilia Polian, Bernd Becker
      #SAT-Based Vulnerability Analysis of Security Components -- A Case Study
      2012 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance (DFT), pages: 49 - 54
    • Linus Feiten, Manuel Bührer, Sebastian Sester, Bernd Becker
      SMILE - SMARTPHONES IN LECTURES - Initiating a Smartphone-based Audience Response System as a Student Project
      2012 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), pages: 288 - 293
    • Celia Kändler, Linus Feiten, Katrin Weber, Michael Wiedmann, Manuel Bührer, Sebastian Sester, Bernd Becker
      university learning environment: a classroom response system
      2012 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), International Society of the Learning Sciences, volume: 2, pages: 515 - 516