Nicole Drechsler, Frank Schmiedle, Daniel Große, Rolf Drechsler Heuristic Learning based on Genetic Programming 2001 EuroGP, Springer Verlag, volume: 2038, pages: 1 - 10
Frank Schmiedle, Nicole Drechsler, Daniel Große, Rolf Drechsler Priorities in Multi-Objective Optimization for Genetic Programming 2001 Conf. on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages: 129 - 136 » show abstract« hide abstract
Frank Schmiedle, Daniel Große, Rolf Drechsler, Bernd Becker Too Much Knowledge Hurts: Acceleration of Genetic Programs for Learning Heuristics 2001 Int'l Conf. on Computational Intelligence, volume: 2206, pages: 479 - 491 » show abstract« hide abstract