Computer Architecture - Team Bernd Becker
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Logiksynthese mit Funktionaler Dekomposition

| project staff | project description | publications |

project staff

Chair of Computer Architecture
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr.

project description

The basic problem when designing a circuit is to convert a given circuit specification into a correct circuit implementation. A partial stage of this design flow is logic synthesis which generates an appropriate implementation starting from the specification which the functional layout provides. The result of the logic synthesis is a netlist description using a library of basic cells.

The main topics treated in this project basically belongs to combinational logic synthesis, which means the automatic synthesis of combinational partial functions (without registers).

The analyzed method for multi-level combinational logic synthesis is based on recursive decomposition of the boolean function to be realized. A disjoint decomposition of a boolean function f with the input variables x1, …, xn is a construction of the following form:

Now the blocks specified by alpha and g are decomposed recursively. In order to reduce the costs of the realization solutions which have a small number of partial functions are desireable.

One application of the proposed method is (but not exclusively) the synthesis of LUT (=look up table)-based FPGAs, for which boolean functions can be realized up to a certain amount of inputs by a single look up table. The main characteristics of the decomposition method developed in this project are the following:

Identification of partial functions which can be used with advantage in several circuit components. This works by exploiting some degrees of freedomu when selecting decomposition functions. When realizing functions with multiple outputs one must have in mind that as many common decomposition functions as possible are computed.

Exploiting symmetries.

Exploiting don't cares in partial functions.

Paul Molitor, Prof. Dr., Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr.
Communication based multilevel synthesis for multi-output boolean functions
Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 1994
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr., Paul Molitor, Prof. Dr.
Efficient ROBDD based computation of common decomposition functions of multi-output boolean functions
IFIP Workshop on Logic and Architecture Synthesis, 1994
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr., Paul Molitor, Prof. Dr.
Efficient ROBDD based computation of common decomposition functions of multi-output boolean functions
Logic and Architecture Synthesis, State-of-the-art and novel approaches, 1995
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr., Paul Molitor, Prof. Dr.
Communication Based FPGA Synthesis for Multi-Output Boolean Functions
Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 1995
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr.

University of Saarland, Ph.D. thesis, 1996
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr.
Functional Decomposition with Integrated Test Generation
GI/ITG Workshop ``Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen´´, 1997
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr., Stefan Melchior, Günter Hotz, Paul Molitor, Prof. Dr.
Minimizing ROBDD Sizes of Incompletely Specified Functions by Exploiting Strong Symmetries
Proceedings of the European Design and Test Conference, 1997
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr.
Multi-output Functional Decomposition with Exploitation of Don't Cares
In Proceedings of IWLS, 1997
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr.
Multi-output Functional Decomposition with Exploitation of Don't Cares
In Proceedings of DATE, 1998
Christoph Scholl, Prof. Dr., Dirk Möller, Paul Molitor, Prof. Dr., Rolf Drechsler, Prof. Dr.
BDD Minimization Using Symmetries
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1999