Computer Architecture - Team Bernd Becker
        Startseite         |         Institut für Informatik         |         Technische Fakultät
name Leonore Winterer, M.Sc.
adress Faculty of Engineering
Georges Köhler Allee 51
79110 Freiburg
office Building 051, Room 01-030
telefon +49 (0)761 203-8148
fax +49 (0)761 203-8142
eMail winterel@informatik.uni-freiburg.de

Leonore Winterer

Years: 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015


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    • Leonore Winterer, Sebastian Junges, Ralf Wimmer, Nils Jansen, Ufuk Topcu, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Bernd Becker
      Strategy Synthesis for POMDPs in Robot Planning using Game-Based Abstractions
      2020 IEEE T Automat Contr
    • Leonore Winterer, Ralf Wimmer, Nils Jansen, Bernd Becker
      Strengthening Determinstic Policies for POMPDs
      2020 Proceedings of the 12th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM)


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    • Leonore Winterer, Sebastian Junges, Ralf Wimmer, Nils Jansen, Ufuk Topcu, Joost-Pieter Kaoten, Becker B
      Abstraktions-basierte Verifikation von POMDPs im Motion-Planning-Kontext
      2018 GI/ITG/GMM Workshop “Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen”
    • Sebastian Junges, Nils Jansen, Ralf Wimmer, Tim Quatmann, Leonore Winterer, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Bernd Becker
      Finite-State Controllers of POMDPs via Parameter Synthesis
      2018 Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), AUAI Press, pages: 519 - 529


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    • Leonore Winterer, Sebastian Junges, Ralf Wimmer, Nils Jansen, Ufuk Topcu, Joost-Pieter Kaoten, Becker B
      Motion Planning under Partial Observability using Game-Based Abstraction
      2017 Melbourne, VIC, Australia 56th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), pages: 2201 - 2208
    • Sebastian Junges, Nils Jansen, Ralf Wimmer, Tim Quatmann, Leonore Winterer, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Bernd Becker
      Permissive Finite-State Controllers of POMDPs using Parameter Synthesis


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    • Karsten Scheibler, Leonore Winterer, Ralf Wimmer, Bernd Becker
      Towards Verification of Artificial Neural Networks
      2015 GI/ITG/GMM Workshop “Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen”