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Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum - Summer term 06


PICee Development System

The PICee Development System (without the extension boards) is based on the work of Mr. Reinhardt Weber from the Ludwig-Geissler-Schule in Hanau. The PICee system was presented in the ELEKTOR magazine (issue 2, 2002).

The second extension board ("Experimentierfeld") and the third set of labs perfomed in this course are partly based on Mr. Burkhard Kainka's ELEXS board and his lab ideas. Again, this was reported in the ELEKTOR magazine.

We would like to thank both of them for the friendly support.

ELEKTOR - Elektronik & Computertechnik

Ludwig-Geissler-Schule Hanau

The ELEXS-System


F. Volpe, PIC-mC-Praxis, ELEKTOR-Verlag, ISBN 3-89576-030-7

M. Ohsmann, Mikrocontroller für Einsteiger: Hard- und Software von Anfang an, Elektor-Verlag, ISBN 3-928051-86-5

U. Tietze, C. Schenk, Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer, ISBN 3-540-64192-0

L. Borucki, Digitaltechnik, Teubner, ISBN 3-519-46415-2

B. Becker, R. Drechsler, P. Molitor, Technische Informatik - Eine Einführung, Pearson Studium, ISBN 3-8273-7092-2

J. Keller, W. Paul, Hardware Design: Formaler Entwurf digitaler Schaltungen, Teubner, ISBN 3-8154-2065-2

M. Rose, Mikroprozessor PIC17C42: Architektur und Applikation, Hüthig, ISBN 3-7785-2170-5

D. Bitterle, GALs: Programmierbare Logikbausteine in Theorie und Praxis, Franzis, ISBN 3-7723-5903-5

D. Bitterle, Schaltungstechnik mit GALs, Franzis, ISBN 3-7723-4681-2