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Mobiles Hardware-Praktikum - Summer term 05


1. Microprocessor Programming Documentation

1.1 PICee-Developement System
1.2 Microchip PIC16F84 Data Sheet
1.3 Microchip MPLAB User's Guide
1.4 Microchip MPASM User's Guide
1.5 LCD-Controller Hitachi HD44780U
1.6 Example Program Running Light (Lauflicht)
1.7 Example Program Display
1.8 Example Program Interrupt
1.9 Example Program Stop Watch (Stoppuhr)

2. Designing Combinational and Sequential Circuits Documentation

2.01 Altera M7000 Data Sheet
2.02 Installation of MAX+PLUS II Baseline
2.03 ByteBlaster Installation
2.04 MAX+PLUS II Getting Started
2.05 MAX+PLUS II Tutorial
2.06 Schaltungsdesign mit VHDL
2.07 The VHDL Cookbook
2.08 VHDL-Vortrag 1
2.09 VHDL-Vortrag 2
2.10 VHDL-Vortrag 3
2.11 VHDL-Vortrag 4

3. Fundementals of Analog and Digital Circuits Documentation

3.1 The PICee++ System
3.2 The PICee Development System's Extension Modules
3.3 Data Sheet Schmitt-Trigger 74HC14
3.4 VHDL FPGA and PIC Interface
3.5 Assembler FPGA and PIC Interface
3.6 Sample Data Exchange Program
3.7 Resistor Color Codes

4. General Documents

4.1 The Mobile Hardware-Praktikum
4.2 Contract and List of Parts
4.3 Evaluation Please fill out this form and drop it off in our mailbox (Building 51-01-006).

5. Software

Altera MAX+PLUS II Baseline 10.2
IC Programmer
IC Programmer Help
TSCC Codec (For the slide shows)

6. Exercises

1.1 Microprocessor Programming
1.2 Microprocessor Programming
1.3 Microprocessor Programming
1.4 Microprocessor Programming
2.1 Designing Combinatorial and Sequential Circuits
2.2 Designing Combinatorial and Sequential Circuits
2.3 Designing Combinatorial and Sequential Circuits
2.4 Designing Combinatorial and Sequential Circuits
3.1 Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Circuits
3.2 Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Circuits
3.3 Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Circuits
3.4 Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Circuits