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Seminar: Theoretical Foundations of Model Checking - winter term 06/07



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01. Büchi automata and logics techincal report
02. Deciding Presburger arithmetic using automata conference publication
03. Deciding linear arithmetic using automata conference publication
04. Automata and don't care words conference publication
05. Hybrid automata conference publication
06. model checking hybrid automata using polyhedra journal, conference publication
07. Reachability analysis of hybrid automata conference publication
08. Model checking hybrid automata using predicate abstractions journal
09. Model checking using automata abstractions conference publication
10. Bisimilarity and characterization of Kripke-structures journal
11. Branching bisimulation and its characterization journal, conference publication

Written elaborations

02. Deciding Presburger arithmetic using automata
03. Deciding linear arithmetic using automata
04. Automata and don't care words
05. Hybrid automata
06. model checking hybrid automata using polyhedra
07. Reachability analysis of hybrid automata
10. Bisimilarity and characterization of Kripke-structures
11. Branching bisimulation and its characterization