Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wimmer |
Scientific Education
- 1999–2004: Studies in Computer Science (major subject) and Microsystems Engineering (minor subject) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.
November 2004: Diploma in Computer Science with Distinction (Grade: 1.0)
Title of the Thesis: "Ganzzahlige lineare Optimierung und Separierung mit binären Entscheidungsdiagrammen" (engl.: "Integer linear optimization and separation with binary decision diagrams"). -
01/2005–02/2011: PhD student at the
Chair of Computer Architecture
of Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker
02/2011: PhD in Computer Science with Distinction ("Summa cum Laude")
Title of the thesis: "Symbolische Methoden für die probabilistische Verifikation: Zustandsraumreduktion und Gegenbeispiele (engl.: "Symbolic Methods for Probabilistic Verification: State Space Reduction and Counterexamples") - 02/2011–09/2011: Post-Doc and
- 08/2013–02/2018: Leader of the verification group at the
Chair of Computer Architecture
of Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker
- 10/2015–02/2016: Interim professor at the Chair of Dependable Systems and Software at Saarland University
- 03/2018: Habilitation and Venia Legendi for Computer Science from the University of Freiburg
- Since 09/2018: Senior Software Engineer at Concept Engineering GmbH, Freiburg
- Since 03/2021: Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg
Nominations and Awards
- 1999: Diploma from German secondary school qualifying for university admission or matriculation: Awards for extraordinary achievents in Latin, Chemistry, and Mathematics and for the overall best grade.
- October 2005: VDI Award 2005, sponsored by VDI, the German Engineering Association, for the diploma thesis.
- Nomination for the Dissertation Award 2011 of the Germany Association of Computer Science (GI), the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and the German Chapter of the ACM (GChACM)
- Best Paper Award of the Int'l Conf. on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2011) for the paper "Bounded Fairness for Probabilistic Distributed Algorithms" (together with Pepijn Crouzen, Ernst Moritz Hahn, Holger Hermanns, Abhishek Dhama, Oliver Theel, Bettina Braitling, and Bernd Becker)
- First Place in the DQBF track of the 2018 QBF Solver Evaluation (Oxford, UK) for the solver HQS
- First Place in the DQBF track of the 2019 QBF Solver Evaluation (Lisbon, Portugal) for the solver HQS
- Best Paper Award of the Int'l Conf. on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2019) for the paper "Localizing Quantfiers for DQBF" (together with Aile Ge-Ernst and Christoph Scholl)
Research Visits
- 08–09/2012: RWTH Aachen University in the group of Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám
- 02–03/2014: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina in the group of Prof. Dr. Pedro D'Argenio
- 10/2016: Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS), Beijing, China in the group of Prof. Dr. Lijun Zhang
- 10/2006–09/2014: Elected member of the faculty council ("Fakultätsrat")
- 10/2006 –09/2010: Elected member of the committee of study affairs ("Studienkommission") of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Freiburg
- Member of the review board for professorship applicants ("Berufungskommission") for "Algorithms and Complexity", "Systems Theory", and "Embedded Systems"
- 10/2010–09/2015: Elected member of the examination board ("Prüfungsausschuss") of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Freiburg
Program Committees
- SKILL 2021
- SOFTENG 2021
- MBMV 2021
- AAAI 2021
- QBF 2020
- SAT 2020
- MBMV 2020
- SOFTENG 2020
- AAAI 2020
- IJCAI 2019
- SAT 2019
- SOFTENG 2019
- SKILL 2018
- SAT 2018
- SOFTENG 2018
- PhD-iFM 2017
- SOFTENG 2017
- ICACDS 2016
- SOFTENG 2016
- ICCCS 2015
- SOFTENG 2015
- TACAS 2014