
Chapter in Books:

Dario Grgić, Sebastian Böttcher, Marc Pfeifer, Johannes Scherle, Benjamin Völker, Jan Burchard, Sebastian Sester, Leonhard M. Reindl, Advanced Projects and Applications for Embedded Systems Engineering on E2LP Platform, Chapter of book: Szewczyk, Embedded Engineering Education pp.119-132, Springer 2016


Benjamin Voelker, Wake-Up-Word Spotting on Microcontrollers in Centralized, Voice-Controlled, Retrospective Smart Homes, Master Thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 2016

Benjamin Voelker, Stabilität und Sicherheit bei der Bewegung im dreidimensionalen Raum mit einer Quadrokopter-Plattform, Bachelor Thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 2013

M.Sc. in Embedded Systems Engineering

Embedded Systems are one of the key technologies and will revolutionize our society. Whether in medical technology, the automotive industry, in aerospace and in the telecommunications, media and entertainment technology. Embedded systems play a central role in the latest technological developments.

Master Thesis:
"Wake-Up-Word Spotting
on Microcontrollers in
Centralized, Voice-Controlled,
Retrospective Smart Homes"

Iconcopy1The thesis researches the potential of speech recognition in a smart home environment by utilizing a Wake-Up-Word (WUW) algorithm as a voice trigger to activate voice controlling. A novel WUW algorithm and Smart-Home system were developed in this thesis.