module flip_flop (out, in, clk); input clk, in; output out; reg out; initial out = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin out = in; end endmodule // flip_flop module fsm_struct(clk, coin, clear, w, o, we, oe, dc, ow, oo, oc); // interface declaration input clk, coin, clear, w, o, we, oe; output dc, ow, oo, oc; wire s1, s0, s1_, s0_, s1_n, s0_n, clear_n, w_n, we_n, oe_n, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6; not n1 (s0_n, s0); not n2 (s1_n, s1); not n3 (clear_n, clear); not n4 (w_n, w); not n5 (we_n, we); not n6 (oe_n, oe); and a1 (t1, s1_n, s0_n, coin); and a2 (t2, s1_n, s0, clear_n, w_n); and a3 (t3, s1, s0_n, we); and a4 (t4, s1, s0, oe); and a5 (t5, s1_n, s0, clear_n); and a6 (ow, s1, s0_n, we_n); and a7 (oo, s1, s0, oe_n); and a8 (oc, s1_n, s0, clear); and a9 (s1_, t5, t6); or o1 (t6, w, o); or o2 (s0_, t1, t2, t3, t4); or o3 (dc, t5, t1, t3, t4); flip_flop f1 (s1, s1_, clk); flip_flop f2 (s0, s0_, clk); endmodule