Übungsblatt7 - Aufgabe 4
18.12.2013 12:15:33
Hi All,

As usual i am back with the same question. Could somebody please explain what we are supposed to do here. I find it difficult to follow due to language restrictions.

Thanks in advance
Re: Übungsblatt7 - Aufgabe 4
18.12.2013 12:50:34

you have to develop a circuit that takes as input a n+1-bit 2-complement number and computes its value and, if it is the case, indicates an overflow.
In addition you have to compute the costs of the circuit.
- take into account the definition of (abs) value. You are allowed to make use of the circuits defined in the lecture.
- for the determination of the overflow you can make use of what we computed in the lecture. for this special case you can also think in which case the (abs) value of a (n+1)-bit number given in 2-complement format is not representable as a (n+1)-bit 2-complement number.

Greetings, Paolo
Re: Übungsblatt7 - Aufgabe 4
18.12.2013 17:40:14
Hi Paolo,

Thanks for the quick response. By 'computing its value ', do you mean converting it into BV to get the magnitude?

Thanks and Regards
Re: Übungsblatt7 - Aufgabe 4
18.12.2013 17:42:52
Hi Sowmnia,

no, it's magnitude meant as absolute value.

Greetings, Paolo