uebungsblatt 5 - Latex
06.12.2013 08:46:17
Hi All,

I have been struggling with Latex for Ubungsblatt 5.
a) I am not able to figure out how to colour the sides of the Hypercube to mark the PI's using tikz.
b) How do we do strike-through columns for the Primeimplikantstafel?

Any help would be really great.

Thanks and Regards
Re: uebungsblatt 5 - Latex
06.12.2013 09:47:54
Hello SV,

a) on the Lecture's website in the "Material" section you can find the PNG file of the hypercube. You don't have to draw a new one using Tikz... Just take this file end edit it with GIMP or similar. Although you're supposed to learn to use LaTeX, this does not mean you have to become LaTeX masters ;-)

b) [www.latex-community.org] , otherwise you can also set a background color for the cells .

LG, Paolo
Re: uebungsblatt 5 - Latex
07.12.2013 13:43:42
Hi Paolo,

I did not know about the Materials section or rather did not observe that it was there. Would have saved some time.:( :(
Thanks for letting me know.